Archive of ‘Art’ category


the last time i was waiting for a person and drawing (the first one pic), a strange man (!) tried to start a conversation with me

waitingpeople FacesNOTLaces

Collages. Part 1

Hey! How do you “collect” your dreams? Do you? Cause I have a lot of dreams and thoughts. So not long ago I’ve created a new way for me(!) of collecting my “dreams and thoughts”. COLLAGING! 

There are two themes of collaging for me (just for now):

room design

my ‘wishlist’ 


1. Choose a theme.

It can be your own ‘wishlist’, your thoughts about something very special, ideas for the presents to your friends and family. !WHATEVER!

2. Choose materials.

You like brown ‘craft’ paper or basic white? Colored or b&w? Will you draw with pencils, pens or markers? Do you like decorating stuff with glitter or do you like minimalism? Maybe there will be some pink sparkles? Or not? Choose what you like. Don’t try to make your collage to look like somebody else’s, don’t forget about your individuality!

3. Pics or photos.

I like to cut off different pictures from the magazines, ‘mix and match’ them, and then glue them. Some people like to put photos of themselves or people they like. Somebody likes… Glue what you want:)

4. Find a comfortable space.
It can be your table, your bed, armchair in the kitchen or your wardrobe 🙂
5. Search for inspirational pics.
If you have some inspiration it will be easier for you to understand what you want.
Now you are ready. I wish you GOODLUCK!
P.S.: send photos of your collages in comments. I’m very interested<3

“Picnic At Hanging Rock”

Good afternoon, guyzz! I watched a movie called “Picnic At Hanging Rock” (1975) some days ago and realized that the style of girls’ rooms in a boarding house is magical (by the way, when I watch movies, I always pay attention to a design of a room of a protagonist or a hero, do not know why 🙂 ).

Picnic At Hanging Rock

Some information about the movie itself:
The action takes place in a boarding house for girls, where its head is a strong, a little heavy-handed woman, sticking to the Victorian style. She tells girls to wear white gloves, teach poetry of famous poets, thereby forcing them and making it impossible to them to become individual personalities. Girls go for a Picnic at Hanging Rock on St. Valentine’s day. Four girls go for a walk a few hours later. As a result, three of them are lost and their math teacher is lost too. (One girl watch the math teacher walking without drawers, adoring!) Nobody can find the girls and their teacher. This incident remains a mystery, a mystery of Hanging Rock.
In fact, I recommend you to see this movie, because there are a lot of exciting details! (also you can pre-read in wikipedia about this movie, because there is a lot of spectacular information).

Collage of a room, styled in PHR style
Now let’s talk about the “style” and about this post:

The film doesn’t only affect the accident at the rock, but also it affects the relationships of girls with each other and with their teachers. I think, that a room style depends on its owner character. The girls’ rooms are furnished with very romantic, girlish furniture; the rooms include flowers, canopies, iron beds in white or black. I hope you understand what I mean. I’d decided to try to repeat their interiors and created a  “how it can be in real life” room. (credits to IKEA)
Hope you like it.
See you

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